Physiotherapy Directed Screen & Corrective Movements
Individual Physical Arrangement and Variables:
Everybody and every player has a physical set up unique to themselves. This arrangement of the bodies parts, working co-operatively, contributes to and produces the golf swing. In many cases, underlying and unknown physical deficiencies can hinder the swing potential.
Whilst some structural anatomical configurations are beyond alteration others can be adapted and optimised in their alignment and movement systems in order to improve the quality of motion output.
As each person moves differently, due to unique physical architecture, this means there are varied and diverse coordinations within their movements. The influence of this variability is further increased as each individual will not execute the same action in the same way on each occasion.
However, this variety can be used positively to create original methods of improvement. Just as there are infinite ways to swing a club so too are there infinite ways to improve human movement.
Timing: A synchronising of the various parts for the control of speed of stroke, in order that it may reach its maximum in the proper moment.
Specific and Precision Analysis:
Because the golf swing is a exemplary demonstration of how full body motion is the result of its component parts working in unison, how we optimise these parts to work in synergy and synchronicity is crucial. The screen tests the bodies existing abilities to execute these necessary requirements of interlinking movement. Through this assessment it will become evident if any are absent and therefore listed as a priority for correction.
Any movement assessment must have specific and precise analysis of this personal data in order to make positive adaptations that will produce practical results. Once the screen has been completed the individual is left with an exact and detailed movement patterning and conditioning exercise approach to their individual and purposeful objectives.
This begins the process of learning and understanding the feedback loops of sensory information to surroundings and actions whilst interlinking this with delivery of physical development. A critical component in promoting movement progress is enabling the player to gain awareness of any constraints and the consequence on swing capacity.
Competence: Possession of required skill, knowledge, qualification, or capacity.
Motion Characteristics:
These distinct and contrasting proficiencies of movement are determined by the range, quality, competency, capability and control of the soft tissues operating with the joints to produce the task in hand. In this case action of the golf swing.
Therefore when considering any training or conditioning for swing improvement first we must identify and understand these bespoke attributes and how they explicitly influence the motion potential. These movement characteristics unique to the individual are key in establishing the necessary corrective and optimising measures.
Sequence: A continuous or connected series. The following of one thing after another thing.
Movement Impairment Syndrome:
Currently there are a growing number of incidents of musculoskeletal injuries occurring within gym’s and organised exercise settings, despite the participants admirable intentions of improving health and physical ability. If exercise is undertaken to improve physical capability and function why are these numbers increasing? Can exercise, executed incorrectly, also have detrimental effect upon swing efficiency or introduce flaws?
Put simply, an injury will happen if you have an excessive force on a stable/unstable base or a sustainable force on an unstable base. This is due to the excessive or uncontrolled forces being beyond the bodies capability and tolerance levels.
Therefore any loading or challenging of the bodies structures, in an attempt to progress and develop, through exercise must be performed with optimal, exact and precise execution. This will reduce injury and deterioration risk but also practically transfer into the quality and ability of the golf swing.
Coordinate: Involving the proper relationship or harmonious interaction among functions or parts.
Impairment Variabilities:
Any individual has an original array of constraints, more often than not unbeknownst to them, that can impede the quality of output and function. If these remain undetected and unexposed then the movement quality and capacity deficit will remain within the swing movement and any progress can be handicapped. Because of the endless list of variables in impairments between individuals it is not effective to simply apply blanket style exercise routines to each player and expect specific and nuanced improvements.
Generic or ambiguous stretching, mobility, strength and stability training when performed consistently will produce some improvements to a player’s general physical abilities. However, these tend to plateau quickly and not address the physical limitations that are exclusive to each particular player. In doing so these issues will remain unresolved over the long term.
The screen not only identifies any known or latent movement impairments but also directs the specific needs distinct to each person that will enhance overall motion efficiency.
Skill: The ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude.
Unfortunately, when not corrected any personal limitations can worsen over time and restrain swing quality and results. If the inappropriate or excessive load, resistance and inaccurate demands of regular exercise are applied without prior assessment and correction this can fortify the existing restrictions.
In this respect some exercise can be more detrimental to the individual because these impairments mean they can not control and execute the action or load of exercise effectively. Whilst this may lead to injury it will almost certainly disrupt and inhibit swing execution and progress.
However when corrective specific movement programming and exercise are applied and executed explicit to the individuals requirements the positive adaptations are multiplied. This is because the improvements are definitive to reducing what is physically limiting the players progress
Control: To exercise restraint or direction over; command.
Bio-mechanical Efficiency:
If we are to use training and conditioning to improve the bio-mechanical effectiveness and efficiency of the bodies systems, to optimise the swing quality, then it is vital that any challenges imposed upon these systems are controlled and do not compromise the integrity of the movement in execution.
By using the individuals data from the screen we establish all the components required to begin the process of improvement and progression. Once we know what physical changes are the priority we can initiate the remodelling of movement and motion. Through the combined increases in awareness and understanding of limitations we can achieve the actual bodily improvements to reduce and eliminate these deficiencies. Thus optimising the full movement system to use directed and controlled force and energy as efficiently as possible.
Balance: A state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount.